31 Oct 2010


Between my overtime this weekend i wanna post few remmmended sites for you. Beside spending my whole days only for routine activity hence i need something that bring me to outside world. Here are few rommended sites:

1. dannychoo.com, this site offers everything related about Japanese culture. though in some categories there are inapropriate image can be seen by underage child. In my point of view it worth seeing. I often come back to see the latest news and activity by danny choo.

For you who love Japan and it's culture Danny offers everyting. The architecture of 47 prefectures in Japan, food, pop culture, etc.

I called it sexy food, sightseeing from your seat, and my favorite Japanese Mac Room. Eventhough i don't posses any Steve Job creation i really like this Mac room. They are all excellent


2. thecherryblossomgirl.com is also my favorite. I am not mmm say 'fashionista', but every time i see this site feels like eating marshmallow. Her wedding is my favorite.

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